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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of InterWiki

Nov 3, 2011, 10:08:20 AM (13 years ago)



  • InterWiki

    v1 v1  
     1= Support for InterWiki links =
     3''(since [milestone:0.10])''
     5== Definition ==
     7An InterWiki link can be used for referring to a Wiki page
     8located in another Wiki system, and by extension, to any object
     9located in any other Web application, provided a simple URL
     10mapping can be done.
     12At the extreme, InterWiki prefixes can even be used to simply introduce
     13links to new protocols, such as `tsvn:` used by TortoiseSvn.
     15== Link Syntax ==
     21The link is composed by the targeted Wiki (or system) name,
     22followed by a colon (e.g. `MeatBall:`),
     23followed by a page specification in the target.
     24Note that, as for InterTrac prefixes, '''InterWiki prefixes are case insensitive'''.
     26The target Wiki URL is looked up in the InterMapTxt wiki page,
     27modelled after MeatBall:InterMapTxt.
     29In addition to traditional InterWiki links, where the target
     30is simply ''appended'' to the URL,
     31Trac supports parametric InterWiki URLs:
     32identifiers `$1`, `$2`, ... in the URL
     33will be replaced by corresponding arguments.
     34The argument list is formed by splitting the page identifier
     35using the ":" separator.
     37== Examples ==
     39If the following is an excerpt of the InterMapTxt page:
     42= InterMapTxt =
     43== This is the place for defining InterWiki prefixes ==
     45Currently active prefixes: [[InterWiki]]
     47This page is modelled after the MeatBall:InterMapTxt page.
     48In addition, an optional comment is allowed after the mapping.
     51PEP      http://www.python.org/peps/pep-$1.html           # Python Enhancement Proposal $1
     52Trac-ML  http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.subversion.trac.general/$1  # Message $1 in Trac Mailing List
     54tsvn     tsvn:                                            # Interact with TortoiseSvn
     56MeatBall http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?
     57MetaWiki http://sunir.org/apps/meta.pl?
     58MetaWikiPedia http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/
     59MoinMoin http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/
     65 * `MoinMoin:InterWikiMap` should be rendered as MoinMoin:InterWikiMap
     66   and the ''title'' for that link would be "!InterWikiMap in !MoinMoin"
     67 * `Trac-ML:4346` should be rendered as Trac-ML:4346
     68   and the ''title'' for that link would be "Message 4346 in Trac Mailing List"
     71See also: InterTrac, InterMapTxt