[http://projects.hepforge.org/gosam/trac/wiki/PhenoExamples Back] ---- = W^-^ + 1 jet = We compute W^-^ + 1 jet al NLO interfacing [http://projects.hepforge.org/gosam/ GoSam] with [http://projects.hepforge.org/sherpa/trac/wiki Sherpa] via the BLHA-interface. We compare out result for this simple process with [http://mcfm.fnal.gov/ MCFM]. Files with plots can be downloaded from the attachments at the bottom of the page. === Transverse momentum distribution of leading jet: === [[Image(jpt1_comp.png, width=650px, nolink, align=left)]] === Rapidity distribution of leading jet: === [[Image(jeta1_comp.png, width=650px, nolink, align=left)]] ---- [http://projects.hepforge.org/gosam/trac/wiki/PhenoExamples Back]