========================================================== README file for running the GoSam+Sherpa process packages: ========================================================== These packages allow to compute NLO corrections in QCD. Executing the script 'makecode' will unpack and compile the virtual code generated with GoSam and generate the libraries for the born, real and subtraction terms. Just execute ./makecode install During the compilation time the code for the virtual part is compiled and the libraries for the tree-level diagrams are generated by AMEGIC. During this stage AMEGIC writes some WARNING statements, which are normal and can safely be ignored. Once the compilation is completed everything is ready to perform analysis. The package provides two possibilities: - use GoSam+Sherpa with the internal analysis package of Sherpa --> the card 'Run_LO.dat' allows to compute the process al leading order, --> the card 'Run_NLO.dat' allows to compute the process al next-to-leading order and contains all contributions (Born/Real/Subtrac/Virtual), - use GoSam+Sherpa in association with Rivet for the analysis --> for this the Sherpa input card Run_Rivet.dat can be used for the full NLO analysis. WARNING: Rivet at the moment gives wrong statistical errors for NLO calculations!! All the created files can be removed at any time with ./makecode clean After full compilation of the code, the cards can be run using either of the commands: Sherpa -f Run_LO.dat Sherpa -f Run_NLO.dat Sherpa -f Run_Rivet.dat The provided 'makeplots' script allows to produce plots from the .dat files with the distributions which are created in the 'Analysis' directory. By default the script reads the files from the 'Analysis' directory and produces a gnuplot file 'SherpaPlots.gnu'and a file with plots called 'GoSam+Sherpa_Plots.ps' both in the 'Plots' folder. You can alternatively specify input directory, output directory and output file name with the options '-i' (--input=), '-d' (--outdir) and '-o' (--output) respectively. For more details about the usage of the 'makeplots' script try ./makeplots -h or ./makeplots --help Brief description of the files: ------------------------------- When unpacking the tarball a directory with the name of the process is crated, with the following files: -gosam_process_process_name-1.0.tar.gz : tarball of the virtual code -makecode: script to generate/clean the process -makeplots: script to produce plots from .dat file using gnuplot -OLE_order.lh : BLHA interface order file -OLE_order.olc: BLHA interface contract file --> these two files are used for the comunication between Sherpa and GoSam. They are needed for Sherpa to call the correct virtual partonic subprocess. -Run_LO.dat : Sherpa card for Born -Run_NLO.dat: Sherpa card for NLO with Born/Real/Sub.terms/Virtual/Int.sub.terms -Run_Rivet.dat: Sherpa card to be used with Rivet. -References.tex: List of References used to by the generated code -README: this README file * * * Once the code is generated in the directory there are the following further files: Analysis: directory where the Sherpa/Rivet analysis files are written Process : directory with Sherpa libraries of the matrix elements of the process Virtul_processname: directory with GoSam code for the virtual part References: GoSam -- http://gosam.hepforge.org Sherpa -- http://sherpa.hepforge.org